June 22, 1815

On March 1, 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte returned to France after his, um, his vacation to Elba. he has since reclaimed power of France and returned to his war against the Brits.Napoleon along with Michael Ney. The France troops went to a field near Waterloo and set up for the night.The Prussians were being led by Gebhard Von Bluucher and the British was lead by the Duke of Wellington. Napoleon, being the great leader that he was made his troops wait until noon before battling because it had rained the previous night. this FOOLISH act allowed the rest of the opposing troops to arrive, putting Napoleon at even greater odds. They were in battle with the Prussians and the British when all hell broke loose. During the battle, Napoleon and his forces were engaged with the center of Wellington's forces but the armies both remained intact and stable. Later in the day the Prussians arrived and destroyed Napoleons right border, while the Brits counter attacked, leaving Napoleons troops decimated in a field of chaos. both sides suffered many casualties, many blamed on Napoleon, who committed tactical errors and acted indecisively. He is also blamed for appointing inadequate commanders. Ultimately, the Battle of Waterloo marked the end of Napoleon’s  military career. He reportedly rode away from the battle in tears.This defeat has since caused Napoleon to give up his throne and surrender.

stay safe,
The Cat of Corsica